
Posted on June 19, 2007 Under Life

The Footy Contest Series is a new online video footage contest community that invites those who are passionate about their board sport "“ and those who catch all the action on film "“ to upload their footage to the footyCS website for all the others in the community to vote on. Through weekly, monthly, and seasonal contests that are decided by the footyCS community, winners (both riders and videographers) will receive prizes that with help them progress in their sport. Tonight at 8PM PST on The Learning Channel (you know, the one that shows all of those nasty surgeries and stuff), footyCS will be introduced through the show “How to Make Millions,” which follows the founders of footyCS through the trials and tribulations of their entrepreneurial endeavor. The word from the founders is that the site will be alpha ready by 8PM PST this evening, and their first contest will begin to accept submissions at 12AM on June 25th.