Flying Lotus

Posted on July 7, 2008 Under Music

If you were ever wondering what gifted individual produced the beats behind those black-screen, white-text bumps on Adult Swim the answer is: a lot of people. Every music geek favorite from Madlib to Squarepusher has taken a turn, but there’s one cat you may have never heard of. Flying Lotus is an L.A.-based producer that has a way with ambient sound and atmosphere, piecing together one pretty mess at a time. Adhering to laptop sequencing, FlyLo keeps the beatstyles messy yet organized. To oversimplify, think of Jay Dee drums and Scott Herren (Prefuse 73, Savath & Savalas, etc) melodics, with the funk squeezed to the surface. His new LP, Los Angeles, is fresh out on Warp Records and will inevitably lead you to his Plug Research release, 1983, as well as other EPs since he signed to Warp. The three-part L.A. EP series will be released over the summer.