Flirt Vodka

Posted on July 11, 2006 Under Design

Flirt Vodka Angel Coke
These ads, along with a few for Mary Jane Vodka (take a guess at what they looked like) were all the buzz around Bulgaria when we arrived last summer. They seemed to appear on every corner, not to mention across the side of an entire building. And I must admit, I found them sexy, if not all that subtle. But while I hate to be a parent (because I’m not, I just have friends that are) you must ask yourself, if you had a 10 year old, would you prefer this billboard be broadcast or banished? Bottom line: it wouldn't fly in the United States. But no matter where you live, the images inspire a controversial conversation or two, even if the liquor itself isn’t all that luscious. For more naughtiness, click here and look hard… There are also some very sexy and quite provocative Flirt Vodka commercials on YouTube, check them out.