Fine and Dandy

Posted on January 26, 2009 Under Fashion

My buddy Dave moved to San Francisco about a year ago, and for the past six months he’s been trying to grow a curly mustache. Not a Tom Selleck ‘stache, but a There Will Be Blood one. Unlike his wife, I wholly support this move, and now that I’ve discovered the Fine and Dandy webstore, I know exactly where I’ll point him if he starts asking questions on completing his look. Considering the prohibitive cost of a retail location in NYC, shopkeeper Matt Fox decided to bring his love for men’s clothing online. The product line seems quite extensive, featuring everything from bow ties to wallets. The look is definitely dapper or dandy – I’ll be honest, I think the terms are interchangeable. I particularly like their selection of hats, especially the brimmed ones which I hope to see more men wearing. Details about manufacturers or brands are sparse on the site but it seems like a great one stop shop for all your dapper/dandy needs.