EtsyFound: No Sleep Til Beastieland

Posted on December 19, 2007 Under Art

Beastieland may sound like an amusement park dedicated to three forty-something white rappers from New York City, but it actually has nothing to do about fighting for your right to party. Beastieland is a comic world, created by Pittsburgh based illustrator Jan Descartes, where Beasties live in perfect disharmony with their irresponsible animal friends who just plain don't give a hoot, creating general havoc and hilarity around the town. What kind of havoc you ask? Only you know for sure, because it's your sick mind that's behind the story. Beastieland's story arc is determined by readers who send in suggestions; making for a truly interactive and gleefully outrageous comic experience. If your urge to control plot doesn't stop at the comic you can set up your own Beastieland at home by purchasing your own stuffed versions of the characters at their Etsy Store.