Emma Franklin

Posted on June 6, 2007 Under Fashion

Two nights ago, somewhere between those hazy moments of wake and sleep, I was rather violently brought back to full consciousness with the realization that Father’s Day is upon us. In my foggy state, I plotted to frame some nice pictures of my sister and myself and ship them on the appropriate date, but now I’m wondering if something a little more unique is in order. I am, after all, only alive because him and my mother conspired to make the most genetically perfect human this side of 1984, so perhaps it’s time for something a little bit more unique. One thing that may fill the ticket is a set of Emma Franklin‘s very uncommon cuff links. Featuring manly animals (rams, bulls, tigers, and stags), the Androgynous Collection glorifies robust animal strength, something my father probably needed quite a bit of in order to raise me. You can find pieces from the collection at Kibiri or buy directly from Emma herself — just shoot her an email.