Don't Think Twice, it's Alright

Posted on August 2, 2007 Under Art

I just got so pissed. There I was, looking over the information for ISM‘s new Untitled Love Project and thinking what a great idea it was, and how different these pictures are when you know — as the project stipulates — all about one of the artist’s old relationships, when I found out that the exhibition was in California. The Thinkspace Gallery at 4210 Santa Monica Boulevard in LA on Saturday, August fourth to be exact. Why do I like to look at paintings about failed relationships? The same reason I like songs about failed relationships. It’s a great subject, and we can all identify (well, some of us more than others.)

Leave it to the folks at ISM (Yes, “folks.” I’ve made an editorial decision to use the word more in an attempt to make my style more marketable in the Red States) to make me want to change coasts. ISM is “a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and support of the arts.” Simple enough. It runs an international magazine, organizes exhibitions such at the Untitled Love Project and others, and hosts events. If they keep this up I might have to consider moving to LA"¦psych! Maybe I’ll come visit though…if they’ll have me.