Do You Canoe?

Posted on July 24, 2007 Under Design

I found myself in Portland, Oregon last week for the first time. I didn’t get too much time to explore, but due to the time change I found myself up at 6am with some time to kill — so I grabbed my camera and set off to explore for a few minutes. It didn’t take long for me to stumble onto Canoe. Obviously it wasn’t open at 6am, but a glance through the windows was enough to whet the palate. It looked like a veritable cornucopia of gifts and knick-knacks for the design-minded.

A quick exploration of their website led me to some hidden gems that weren’t apparent in my original window shopping moments such as this German designed, stainless steel condom dispenser or the Tivoli Model One radio.

If you make it out to Portland — or are a lucky local — stop by Canoe and let me know what I missed!

–Danny Nathan