DiK's One Color Comp

Posted on September 11, 2007 Under Fashion

Got a t-shirt idea you’ve been itching to get out there? Are you a master of making incredible designs with a minimum of materials? Are you just sick of the clothes you’re finding in the store like I am?

Design portal/website Design is Kinky is hosting a t-shirt design competition called One Color Comp to hype up their next t-shirt release. The rules are pretty simple: it has to be an original design in one color made for a t-shirt. That’s it. Leaves the playing field wide open. So go make something awesome, because my closet it starting to look skimpy and I could use a new stockpile of tees.

And if you haven’t explored the DiK site before — they run those super fun Sketchel contests as well — take a wander through; they’re sporting some seriously excellent interviews and artist features.