Design Showcase Spotlight: A Very Hungry God

Posted on August 9, 2007 Under Design

Some of you may be familiar with the work of Damien Hirst, as well as the ones which also mock him. This week, though, saw a submission through our Design Showcase which while similar, is neither: A Very Hungry God, the 2200+ pound skull crafted of pots and pans by Subodh Gupta, currently floating on a Venice’s Grand Canal in front of the Palazzo Grazzi. The piece was designed as a commentary about Parisian soup kitchens using pork in dishes, which is not allowed in Muslim diets. Très intéressant, indeed.

Thanks to the folks at eternallycool for their submission, which has scored them one of Belkin’s awesome new Mousetraps. You have something that should be featured here? Join us and Kohler over at the Design Showcase, submit your finds and you, too, could be scoring some sweet schwag.