Denver: 400 Recycled Soles Party

Posted on September 13, 2005 Under Design

This coming Thursday, September 15th, Jason Thielke will be at a benefit party in Denver painting and drawing live from 7:30-9:30pm, on found objects and panels. His partner will be Ray Young Chu of the Yummies, and all the work will be auctioned off at the end of the night for charity. There will be six other artists painting live, and each artist will also paint a pair of white Gravis Sneakers– these are a little peak at Thielke’s shoes, they’re looking great! The event benefits the Sewall Children Development Center, the entire event will be held at ‘400 Recycled Soles’, on 1010 Bannock Street in Denver. The 400 is Denver’s first limited edition sneaker shop, gallery, and design studio. This is an event I wouldn’t want to miss!