Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Posted on August 10, 2007 Under Music

For anyone still insisting rap is dead, you may want to send Del tha Funkee Homosapien the memo. The rapper has been slinging rhymes for 16 years, starting out as part of his cousin Ice Cube's background band and later rising to recognition with Hieroglyphics and hip hop super group Deltron 3030. Also having collaborated with the Gorillaz on the songs "Clint Eastwood" and "Rock the House," Del is clearly still at the top of his game. Currently touring, The AP's Douglas Haddow caught up with him for an interview. A few topics covered are: his upcoming projects, including a sequel to Deltron 3030 (the original being a concept album set in the year 3030) and Del's thoughts on technology and its place in the future which is, basically: we’re screwed. Even if you're not a huge fan, I still suggest checking it out for the highly expletive, f-bomb laden quotes and a cameo by a Beedi blunt.