Death By Kite: Dragen Letter

Posted on April 20, 2007 Under Music

Let’s skip over the pond for a second, and give a nod to Danish band Death By Kite, who just released their debut album, Dragen Letter. Their “real” website is pretty new, so there isn’t much content on it yet, but their Myspace page has 4 tracks to stream and some good info. Their sound is, as they describe it, “a tight-rope walk between cold war punk, noiserock and indie”– a little bit Interpol (although more poppy), a lot of Placebo (especially the vocals), and a smidgen of Sonic Youth as well. You can access the video for their song ‘Bahnhof Asta’ here— do I here some NOFX-esque vocals in there? And can anyone help me with the Danish translation of ‘Bahnhof Asta?’ The new album was released on Danish label Quartermain Records, and you can buy it at “your local record dealer,” which to me means that those of us in the U.S. are pretty much s.o.l. when it comes to getting a copy– hopefully they’ll pop on iTunes in the not so distant future.

Via Life Is Carbon