Cultivate System for Indoor Botanicals

Posted on May 7, 2007 Under Gadgetry

Rarely do I get job-envy these days, but every time I see new work from Eoin McNally and Ian Walton, my eyes get a little greener. After all, I get to write about new design trends and releases (for example, their Glo Pillow, a few weeks back), but they actually get to create them. This time around, it’s the Cultivate System for Indoor Botanicals designed for the Miele-sponsored “Kitchens of the Future” project. Their Cultivate System is a series of hydroponic wall-mounted containers allow up to three plant units to grow indoors, nourished by your kitchen sink’s drain water. The best part? You need little to know gardening or cultivation knowledge– perfect if your last fire-escape veggie-growing project ended at the hands of your brown-thumbed roommate.

Via Inhabitat