contexture design: Old Mixtape Carries New Mixtape's Jock

Posted on September 24, 2007 Under Gadgetry

Warning: do not pop Contexture’s cassette tape nano cases into your boombox hoping to hear all of those sweet tunes you taped off the radio back in 1985, because they don't work like that; while they may look like the tapes you used to record hits like El Debarge's Rhythm of the Night and Prince's Let's Go Crazy off your favorite Top 40 station, you'd have a hard time producing any sound from these audio ancestors. However, if you do own an (older-gen) iPod Nano and happen to have said sweet tunes on your playlist, feel free to rock out with your fancy new technology placed snugly inside one of these shelled-out former cassette tapes and feel the beat of the Rhythm of the Night all day or as Lionel Richie would have recommended, all night long.

swissmiss via Core77