Clif Bar Save Our Snow Tour

Posted on February 13, 2007 Under Life

“Start Global Cooling” is the tag line and mantra of Clif Bar’s 2007 Save Our Snow (S.O.S.) Tour. The ultimate goal of professional skier and environmental advocate Alison Gannet and her tour mates is to use their position as representatives of an athlete-driven company to (1) “call attention to the impact of global warming on winter sports,” and (2) “inspire people to take small actions that can help fight climate change.” So far, the tour has been a great success, hitting a ton of ski resorts across the Western U.S. thanks to a clean-burning and trusty 1986 veggie oil powered Winnebago. I have to heartily commend this tour because it has presented a creative strategy for spreading the word and eliciting help with wide-spread and pervasive problem of global warming. You want to know 5 easy things you can do to help? Ya you do.