Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: Some Loud Thunder

Posted on January 16, 2007 Under Music

The new Clap Your Hands Say Yeah album, ‘Some Loud Thunder,’ hasn’t been officially released yet (it’s due out Jan. 30th), but the band has orchestrated a deal for all of you die hard fans. You can download the album today before 3 p.m. (EST) for free. Well, it isn’t exactly free– you basically pay $13.00 to pre-order the album, and they will email you a ‘secret link’ where you can download the album today. It’s a good deal if you ask me; you’ll be one of the first people out there to get the new tunes, and you will also be supporting a great band that has made ballsy strides to employ independent distribution tactics and has thus far sidestepped major label representation. If you haven’t heard Clap Your Hands before, go to their website and sample two songs from the new album on their website, ‘Love Song #7’ and ‘Underwater (You and Me).’ Hurry up!