Chris Jordan: Running the Numbers

Posted on March 9, 2007 Under Art

Chris Jordan’s astute societal observations have me really impressed with all of his photo projects to date. In his most recent, ‘Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait,’ he deftly puts societal habits that have “vast and bizarre” statistics associated with them (whether consumer, environmental, violence, etc.) into perspective with large scale photos. ‘Cans Seurat,’ shown here, depicts 106,000 aluminum cans, the number used in the US every thirty seconds. Other favorites of mine are ‘Handguns’ and ‘Denali Denial,’ both shown after the jump. You need to understand that these works are best viewed in person because only then will you be able to appreciate the magnitude of the pieces; but at least these jpgs should perk your interest. Look for Chris’ upcoming solo exhibits in NYC and L.A. I have to credit my good friend Nadia with this find– she’s certainly fascinated with consumption and waste!

Handguns: Depicts 29,569 handguns, equal to the number of gun-related deaths in the US in 2004…



Denali Denial: Depicts 24,000 logos from the GMC Yukon Denali, equal to six weeks of sales of that model SUV in 2004…

Detail shot (from the far left corner of the lake)…