Cactus Cats and Pups

Posted on October 30, 2007 Under Design

STRANGEco and Tokidoki just announced new additions to their collaborative collection of “The Cactus Friends” designed by Italian designer/Tokidoki co-creator Simone Legno. The Cactus Cats and Pups, (who, like their predecessors SANDy and Sabochan, wear suits of cactus thorns, to keep the meanies at bay) are three inches and one inch tall respectively, and will both become available in time for Christmas. While the two Cats will be individually sold in window boxes, collectors of the Pups will have to count on the luck of the draw, as all seven of the toys will be mystery-boxed. The Pups also come equipped with tiny doggy accessories, like dog bowls, sausages, and, um- stuff they dig up in the backyard… like skulls. Check out the entire STRANGEco/Tokidoki line here.

Related: STRANGEco/Tokidoki Archive