Bloggers Backstage at Live 8

Posted on June 29, 2005 Under Music

I’ve been intrigued by the one campaign, from when I first saw the black and white commercials circuiting the internet, full of celebrities discussing a campaign to make poverty history. has 10 backstage passes to each of the Live 8 concerts in Philly, Paris, Rome, Berlin, and of course Tokyo. In collaboration with Live 8– they believe that bloggers can be incredibly influential towards the media, as we get closer to the G8 Conference in Scotland. Richard Branson has also donated an airplane to fly the crew, and five bloggers to Edinburgh and back for the conference– in hopes that each of these bloggers will blog all about the trip along the way. Instant press, for a very important event. They make the blogger selection tomorrow (maybe they’ll pick me!). I think with the voice of bloggers behind an event like this, the people can truely be heard, and instantly.

More Information (although the deadline is tomorrow).