blik [still] loves Threadless

Posted on August 16, 2007 Under Design

Blik, the I.D. award-winning line of wall decals, has once again teamed up with Threadless in order to produce a steady stream of awesomely sticky art. You may remember the cheery result of their first collaboration, a one-time competition that placed Letter’s 7.00 among Blik’s other designs, but this time around the battle will be bigger and longer lasting. Each month, the team at Blik will be posting a selection of their favorite Threadless t-shirts, then leaving it up to visitors to select which designs will be turned into one of Blik’s surface graphics. The chosen tees will then be transformed into self-adhesive wallscapes, ready to slap on windows, ceilings, and pretty much any other flat area you can find. My favorite thing about the stickies from Blik is that, unlike vinyl, they are all easily removable, meaning I can leave them up or switch them up as much as I choose — a nice detail for when it comes time to abort ship.

There are currently nine Threadless-begat designs available, and I like almost all of them (and almost as much as I like the rest of the stuff Blik offers), so take a look, then be a champ and cast your vote for the next round.