
Posted on October 4, 2007 Under Gadgetry

Availabots are your friends. Visual interpretations of your friends, that is. To be even more technical, Availabots are “physical representations of presence in instant messenger applications” that “stand to attention when your chat buddy comes online, and falls down when they go away.” In layman’s terms, what you’re looking at here is the best chance you’ll ever have to prove to your office buddies how much of a badass you are. Imagine this: A little army of plastic people popping up and down on your desk, proving to your boss that, yes, you do have friends (establishing you as a “people person,” and solidifying your potential as future Vice President). The creation of Schulze and Webb, Availabot prototypes will be available soon, and can even be personalized to look just like your best buddies (so, playboy bunny look-alikes that happen to be laywers, right?). If you’re ready to order a posse or two, you can email the London-based design shop here.

Via It’s Nice That