
Posted on August 7, 2007 Under Life

The FDA treats aromatherapy similarly to the way it treats Echinacea, ginseng and other “dietary supplements.” Basically, a company can make all sorts of claims on the bottle as long as it doesn’t try to pass those claims off as scientific fact. I mention this because I’m writing about aromatherapy again and, as much as I like my bedroom to smell good, I don’t want anybody out there to actually think a scent is going to accomplish anything more than just that"”making his room (or car) smell good.

Ok, now that my cynical smell rant is over, I can tell you about Air Aroma, an Australian company — so you know the Aussie on staff here is interested — that makes some very sleek looking scent diffusers to pair with their expertly-constructed scents. With six different lines of smells and nine different diffusers, there’s plenty to choose from here. Heather’s favorite, because she has a dirty mind and likes things that are shaped like bullets, missiles and"¦well never mind, is probably the Aromax diffuser, which apparently is “whisper silent.” Not that I asked her or anything. And no kidding, it looks like a nuclear warhead. A nuclear warhead of relaxing scents. It’ll blow you away (ba-dum ching). Thank you, I’ll be here all week, etc.