Anna Gram: Ceramic For Mix

Posted on January 4, 2007 Under Design

I am a self-professed tea drinker, always have been. While I don’t mind stirring my sugar or honey into my tea with a spoon, I am definitely impressed with Anna Gram’s Ceramic For Mix teacup design. Obviating the need to use a teaspoon, the Ceramic For Mix stirs your tea for you with a simple twirling motion of the wrist by way of a small ball moving around the circular base of the glass. When you take a sip, the ball is trapped in the base of the glass by gravity so you don’t swallow it (plus, it’s too big to ingest). “Function creates an new gestural and aesthetic appeal” with this thoughtful design by folks at Anna Gram. I have no idea where to get a hold of one of these, but you can contact Anna Gram directly through their website. Take a look after the jump for a conceptual illustration of how these things really work.

Pour, drop, swirl, enjoy.