And The Winner Is. . .

Posted on July 11, 2007 Under Design

Munich-based Matthias Demacker‘s origami.series, a set of designs inspired by the art of paper folding, was just awarded a prestigious red dot design award. Ranked as one of the largest and most renowned design competitions in the world, the red dot award generally receives over 6,000 submissions annually, and to be granted the distinction of a red dot ensures a designer’s ranking among the best of the business. Demacker’s design — available in two sizes and four colors — was manufactured from aluminum, allowing the elegant and fragile appearance of origami to be translated into sturdy piece of furniture with a delicate facade. The origami.series was designed for van-Esch, and their site lists a few dealers overseas that may stock the pieces (disclaimer: The site is in Dutch, so I could be wrong about that), but if you just want to browse Demacker’s other phenomenal work for various clients you can find it here.