Alendis' Image Works

Posted on November 7, 2008 Under Design

The e-commerce experts at Alendis have been very busy figuring out ways to make your personal pictures go pop. They’ve got a trio of new sites that turn your very own images into pop art, making for ideal decorations while still going a long way towards preserving your precious memories. DecoraPhotos transfers a desired digital photo onto a variety of materials such as canvas or aluminum to hang in your home. NovaPop gives your snaps the Warhol treatment, turning them into a cartoonish rendering, and at NosoloPAPEL you can put those images onto an array of items such as invitations and notepads. All three ventures utilize the best modern printing materials, so you’re never stuck with something that resembles a color photocopy. As if those weren’t enough they have another new site by the name of Nuzart that seeks to redefine the a la carte buying and selling of art and also serve as a place where tremendous talent is shared. Told you they were busy.