AC Gears hits NYC

Posted on December 11, 2007 Under Gadgetry

I wasn’t familiar with AC Gears until I read this post a couple of days ago, but I’ll definitely be stopping by their new store to check it out. If you’re interested and in the NYC area, the new shop is at 69 East 8th Street, near NYU. Originally termed “Audiocubes”, AC Gears started out selling headphones. That is, until owner Kohn Liu realized the potential market for tech toys and robotic wares…you know, everyone needs their own toy Humping Dog.

Now, in addition to headphones, AC Gears sells random techy objects for the home and personal accessories. They’ve got a unique line of watches as well that are pretty reminiscent — perhaps not surprisingly — of those I’ve seen at Giant Robot. They’ve also got a few distinctly Japanese items like their Cup O’ Noodles Perfecting Timer. Looks like it might be a fun place to grab a holiday gift for that office gift exchange.