4000 Posts Later, Win an iPhone 3G

Posted on July 15, 2008 Under Life

blogging.JPG I’m very proud to announce that yesterday we had our 4,000th post here on JoshSpear.com. Pretty exciting. It feels like only a little why ago I was in the back of a journalism class blogging about things I loved. To celebrate, I’ve decided to give away an iPhone 3G to the person who can guess how many comment posts we’ve had … ever. The person who gets closest without going over (The Price is Right rules) wins. (Actually, I’ll be giving a gift card worth $199 to Apple, and you can do with it as you wish). Have at it, guess below! Thanks to everyone here past and present that made this site possible.

[Ed Note: Just to clarify, it’s all the comments before this post. Good luck.]