Project Hello
Project Hello is a homelessness philanthropy effort, raising awareness by distributing 5,000 “Hello My Name Is..” signs all over the world in an effort to change the way people think about and treat persons living on the street. As of today 3,500 signs have been distributed throughout 20 countries to over 700 photographers. Check out the gallery, there are dozens of photos collected from around the world on display. Many of the photos will be in a traveling photography exhibit with showings coming up in LA, Seattle and Austin. It’s quite a moving initiative, and as Rob Justus, founder and director of the Portland homeless outreach organization JOIN says “Each individual Project Hello picture reminds us that homelessness is not just a faceless community crisis– It’s a tragic circumstance faced by hundreds of thousands of individual people across the country. Homeless people are frequently overlooked or simply unseen. With each name tag, we are called to recognize a person rather than a faceless problem.