New Belts from TANNER
If you've never heard about the suave leather goods being made by Hecklewood's TANNER sub-brand, don't blame us. We've trumpeted their fine quality product for quite some time and we see no reason not to continue to do so as long as our fine-leathered friends keep whipping out boss belts. The latest in keeping-your pants-around-your-waist technology from the Portland-based brand includes natural, brown and matte-black treatments for their best-selling Standard belt, as well as two brand new belt styles in “The Scout” and “The Eastern Bloc.” The Scout is made of the same Latigo leather as the standard bearer of the TANNER brand name but is thinner and lighter and maybe a little bit dressier, whereas The Eastern Bloc “mixes heritage styling with Eastern European military functionality.” In the event you wake up and find yourself in the military of an Eastern European Country, you'll be ready with your belt displaying a double-tongue roller buckle and retaining post that just so happens to be a tad bit wider than the standard belt. If you think these new belts are exciting, just wait the boys unleash their new lines of wallets and bags in the coming weeks.