Amaze with Cubes

Posted on December 4, 2007 Under Design

If you're like us and regret shying away from that career in architecture because of the lengthy amount of schooling and your lack of a steady hand; have we got the toy for you? Created by architectural designer Andrew Comfort and heralded by ID magazine as one of the most ingenious products of 2007, Q-Ba Maze combines architectural principles with the interlocking interplay of Legos and the fun of one those tilting wooden marble mazes to construct what amounts to a complex slide for a small pinball and a fun project for all ages (except for ages that might like eating marbles). Available in packs of 20 or 50, containing three varieties of the interlocking cubes and several metal balls to navigate your finished design, Q-Ba Maze allows you to express your own unique flair for structural design, as there are literally trillions of designs possible by from combining the cubes in one pack. Move over Rubik, there's a new cube-based invention in town, and it's a lot more versatile.