Under My Umbre….Oh, Forget it

Posted on August 10, 2007 Under Design

We’re big fans of the Yanko Design blog around here. And rightfully so. They have a habit of consistently featuring some of the most attractive and innovative designs that we’ve seen. Check out previous posts here, here and"¦oh yeah, here.

Well here’s — no, right here’s — another. The Self Standing Umbrella, which I absolutely love for three reasons. One, it has nothing to do with Rihanna (I feel dirty just typing her name for the sake of that joke). Two, it’s pretty. And three, what a freaking great idea! How many times have you leaned your umbrella up against the wall for a second only to have it slide to the floor because the pointy tip of the umbrella has no traction? It makes a loud noise, you get the floor wet…all sorts of bad things happen. Well, not with the Self Standing Umbrella. Hironao Tsuboi at 100%, I salute you.