Louie Cordero: Delubyo

Posted on July 27, 2007 Under Art

I was getting a little nostalgic for my hometown of Hell-Ay (that’s L.A. for non-natives, an endearing name for the city we love to hate) so I did a virtual travel jaunt back there via Internet by visiting all my fave stomping grounds, including Giant Robot magazine’s shop-slash-gallery GR2. I’m totally bummed I’m missing out on University of Phillipines graduate Louie Cordero’s excellent exhibit called Delubyo (which means “Deluge” in Tagalog, I’m guessing), his first solo show in the city. Mesmerized with the gross-out factor, Cordero meticulously painted monsters on different sizes of canvas and paper in all their veins, stringy, drippy, guts, fleshy and wrinkly glory; or in his own words, the creatures are “dead humans mutated into weird zombies-like landscapes.” Robert Williams and Basil Wolverton, eat your heart out. No, not in front of us, please.