White Stripes Puzzle: Hmmmmm

Posted on March 28, 2007 Under Music

Are the White Stripes trying to weed out their intelligent fans from their vacuous ones, or are they just trying to create buzz for their new album Icky Thump (due out in June of this year)? At any rate, when you go to their website, you’ll find this word search-type puzzle— below the puzzle is a one line description of each track on Icky Thump. So far, we (the blogs) have been unable to decipher the code. What does it all mean? As Indie Blog Heaven postulates, “Maybe these are clues to some portal where 400 unreleased White Stripes tracks exist.” Or maybe once solved, the puzzle will reveal their stops for their upcoming tour which, despite having already been proclaimed by some in the media, haven’t really been decided and released yet. Can’t wait to find out which!