Starn Studio: Snow Study V

Posted on December 11, 2006 Under Art

We hope you have been enjoying our ‘wrap-ups‘ of Art Basel Miami events we’ve been posting. The wrap-up format has its advantages– it allows us to bring a large amount and broad range of content to your attention all at once. The Art Basel fairs did, however, provide us with finds that we thought worth covering individually. For instance, I wanted one of these Snow Study V pieces we saw at the Photo Miami for myself as soon as I saw it in person. Doug & Mike Starn created this lamintated lamda digital c-print mounted to aluminum, but only made five of them. The process they used ingeniously draws out the detail of the snowflake to the viewer’s eye, allowing one to essentially see the coldness– or at least I thought so. They are available (or more likely at this point, ‘were available’) through Hackel Bury Fine Art Ltd. in London. I do reccommend, at the very least, that you track down some of this work at one of the Starns’ solo and group museum exhibitions, which will be going on throughout the U.S. and Europe in the coming months.